the future-proof resource for master craftsmen


How to sign up or login

If you would like to participate in ot-app as beta tester, please contact us via email at: [email protected] and please include a few key details about the reasons you are interested in our service.

Once you are signed up you can enter our member pages like apps and help page. You will be asked to provide the e-mail adress you signed up with, and receive a magic link that grants you direct access to the member pages like our apps.

How does ot-app work? is the most convenient way to create 3D printable data of orthoses and other orthopedic aids. With ot-app you can create custom-fit orthoses in just minutes without CAD knowledge. Everything takes place in the browser, without any hassle of installations or updates. Our apps run on PC, Mac and mobile devices. In the near future, we will be launching further apps for the super-fast creation of mouldings, beddings, sockets and prosthetic components.

What does ot-app cost?

Currently, ot-app is in a non-public beta phase. Selected beta testers can use our services free of charge and provide feedback on functions and problems during their use. As soon as we release ot-app to the public, we will launch convenient pay per use models.

Does ot-app save my customers data and files?

Currently, ot-app does not store any uploaded scans, supply names or workflows. We fully respect the ownership of your data. We recommend that you store your data securely and we support you by naming and dating the downloads. We are strongly interested if you would better like us to store your configurated products and scans for future modifications. Send your thoughts to: [email protected].

What does Beta mean?

The beta stage allows apps to change continuously in order to improve usability for our future customers as much as possible. Beta testers are an important element to create a valuable and robust product. In return, beta testers can help shaping our future products according to their needs.